2021 Temperature Quilt {mid year progress}

I’m still tracking the temperatures each day this year, but have learned that it’s easier for me to knock out a couple of rows at a time on the temperature quilt rather than trying to keep up and do the blocks each day/week. Yesterday I had the day off work and it was rainy and gross outside, so I decided it was time to catch up a bit on this quilt. Below is a photo of how I get organized and work to make the blocks.

And here is the quilt top through May 27th. It doubled in size which felt like great progress!!

Once we make it to July 2nd, that would be two more rows, so hopefully I can find some time over the holiday weekend to knock those out as well. I can’t wait to see orange/reds start to appear!!



Disappearing Four Patch Block Tutorial {using pre-cut 5" squares}


Fat Quarter Mixer {a FREE, quick, easy and beginner friendly quilt pattern!}